More wigginess

I saw this picture and had to post it.  It’s a wig named “Captivate.”  It’s not curly, but the expression on Raquel’s mug brought a smile to my face.  I wonder if she’s really that happy?  I guess that depends on how many of those babies she’s selling.

If you want to check it out, Rocky has a whole line on e-wigs.  Note that you can get a wig in Petite, Petite Average, and Large, for those of us with big heads, or those who just want to use the wig as a hat over your natural hair.  Now that’s currrrrrly!

You do know that Raquel Welch is one of the most famous Latina U.S. citizens, right?  And here she is, representing.

Talk again soon,

Lil’ Brown Crrl

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Freedom Curl


Here’s a wig style from the 70s that I’ve always loved.  Many is the time I’ve considered taking up the wearing of wigs as hats as my hair has thinned over the years.  If I ever did it, this would be the style I would choose.  From the Af-tress collection of wigs.

Of course, the real freedom curl is more along the lines of my latest do – it’s a Dipity-do for the curler generation.  No shampoo, no brushes, no combs, no fuss, and no bad hair days!  That’s what I call freedom.

Until next time,

Lil’ Brown Curl

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catch a crrl

How do you catch a crrl, you ask?  With a hot iron?  A set of hair curlers and a blow dryer?  Maybe, depends on the kind of crrl you’re after.  The tropical crrl is a lifestyle that, though seemingly elusive, is readily available in one version or another to anyone who chooses to live slowly, at your own pace.

We were inspired to catch a crrl by the CURL creators of who tell us that CURL is an acronym for Contemporary Urban Retirement Living.  To learn more about it, you can go to their website.  We consider it the mothership of Curl Nation.

There, a group has convened to celebrate a lifestyle started in 2001, when they were twenty-somethings.  Now in their thirty-somethings, these experienced curlers are perfecting their technique – the perfect chair ride, the instant campsite, the easiest home-baked bread.

For us, the tropical crrl is like surfing the perfect wave (in this case, small, slow, and shallow).  It doesn’t just come to you.  Nope, you have to work for it, first driving around to find the perfect spot, waxing your board (or putting on your fins as the case may be), paddling out, waiting and enduring a wipe out now and then until it comes.  Then, all that hard work pays off.  In that moment when you take off on the wave and feel yourself flying, you’re in the crrl.

Crrling is life as freedom, however fleeting the feeling of liberation.  Perhaps more accurately it is life in pursuit of freedom – slow, easy pursuit, mind you.

Crrl is an adjective, a verb, and a noun all in one.

It is for the self-employed, under-employed, and unemployed, whether by choice or by circumstance, who embrace leisure, in my case as an opportunity to work; in the case of my partner in crime, Curly-Joe Larson (you’ll be hearing from C-J now and then, too), as an opportunity to play.

Of course, I mean to work at my vocation, the work that calls to me, not the JOB that calls you, and way too often. Heavens, no!

And we both mean to have fun – to cook sloooowly and eat with gusto, spend time at the beach, play tennis, water my one tomato plant, and devote hours each day to slow, inconsequential rituals like baking, sweeping, mopping, reading, writing, stretching, ruminating over which bottle of wine to open, or whether it’s a beer day instead, and just watching the sky from sunrise to moonrise.

And to blogging, of course – to sharing the crrl, cuz that’s half the fun.

Now, the anthem of Crrl Nation.  Feel free to sing along.

Nobody can tell you
There’s only one song worth singing
They may try and sell ya
Cause it hangs them up to see someone like you

But you’ve gotta make your own kind of music
Sing your own special song
Make your own kind of music
Even if nobody else sings along

You’re gonna be nowhere
The loneliest kind of lonely
It may be rough going
Just to do your thing’s the hardest thing to do

But you’ve gotta make your own kind of music
Sing your own special song
Make your own kind of music
Even if nobody else sings along

So if you cannot take my hand
And if you must be going
I will understand

You’ve gotta make your own kind of music
Sing your own special song
Make your own kind of music
Even if nobody else sings along

You’ve gotta make your own kind of music
Sing your own special song
Make your own kind of music

Talk again soon,

Lil’ Brown Crrl

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